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Westtoer is the autonomous provincial company (apb) for tourism and recreation in West Flanders. Westtoer has its own legal personality.

Westtoer is situated between the Flemish level and the basic actors (municipalities, private sector). The most important role is to coordinate these forces at the base. To achieve this, Westtoer divides the province into regions (Coast, Bruges Ommeland, Westhoek, Leiestreek). The partners from the municipalities and the private sector are brought together in close partnerships, supported by financial and human resources.

Westtoer's activities are divided as follows:

  • Personnel, Administration & Finance
  • Statistics
  • Recreation
  • Tourism Development
  • Marketing
  • Regional operation

Westtoer mission

  • We support tourism in West Flanders as an economic sector. We attract purchasing power from outside the region with attractive tourist products and by promoting West Flanders on relevant markets;
  • We support supra-local outdoor recreation in West Flanders. We develop attractive, market-oriented products and we communicate about them to the West Flemish population and tourists visiting West Flanders.
  • Commissioned by the province of West Flanders, we prepare the tourist-recreational policy and help implement i

As a provincial company, Westtoer wants to generate added value for the benefit of four types of customers:

  • the province of West Flanders;
  • the West Flemish municipalities;
  • the entrepreneurs in the West Flemish tourist sector;
  • the users of tourist and outdoor recreational products.

Management and maintenance of our products

  • 600 volunteer meters and godfathers who regularly check routes and networks and pass on their comments
  • Follow-up via a fully digitalised system
  • 4 technical employees in the field